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Good News! The 2018 Happiness Report Card Is Online. Bad News: It Doesn’t Look Good. Good News: You Can Change That Just out from our colleagues at the Happiness Alliance: an overview of 2017 data compiled from the Happiness Index, an online questionnaire available at This year’s “Happiness Report Card” is a combination of disquieting data points along with encouraging ideas how we can do better, especially in the areas of expressing love, caring for... From Krista Tippett: Wisdom on Changing What We Measure Krista Tippett is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster and National Humanities Medalist. She is best known for her national public radio program and podcast, On Being. Though Krista Tippett never uses the words "alternative indicators" or "gross national happiness" in her beautiful new book Becoming Wise, there is a passage that goes profoundly to... Happiness Through Ubuntu Today's guest writer is Grisha Rodchenko, a writer based in Wisconsin.  A friend of mine once said, “giving is a selfish act.” She is 100% correct. Last July, when I bought several bottles of water for my fellow passengers waiting in the 93-degree heat for their connecting buses, that was indeed selfish, but the act was... Let's Have More Conversations Like These On a hot summer night, the beginning of a long Fourth of July weekend, a hardy group gathered in Princeton, NJ to discuss adopting GNH policies in the United States to better enable widespread pursuit of happiness.... The Rise and Fall of GDP A very interesting article on the push against GDP, used as a measure of progress and the development of alternative sets of measures appeared in the New York Times Magazine today. This is highly recommended reading and points to how timely our upcoming Vermont Conference, GNH 2010: Changing What we Measure from Wealth to Well-Being... 13+ Resources & Quizzes To Assess Your Happiness Level This article was written by Celine Sugay and originally appeared on on 4/13/2021. Happiness continues to gain more and more attention as topics such as well-being and mental health become more popular. Companies all over the globe have started investing in workshops and learning sessions to help their employees become happier. Despite its increasing popularity,... It's 2021. Where Do We Go From Here? With lockdowns, political paralysis, physical separation from friends and family we want to hold, it’s hard to talk about much of good that has come out of these times.  However, we are learning some big lessons – the most important of which are about our need to connect to other human beings, and the importance... The Happiness Walk Makes Local Headlines One of the goals of GNHUSA's Happiness Walk is generating news coverage of not only the Walk but also of our broader organizational goals in towns and cities all along our route.  While we've learned that many individuals walk the United States for a wide variety of causes, editors and producers are often intrigued by... World Happiness Summit - Miami 2017 March 17-19 The organizers of the World Happiness Summit urge us to:  "OPEN YOUR MIND… To a unique, mindful 3-day summit in Miami, the “capital of happiness” to explore the 6 key elements of wellbeing and the unrelenting pursuit of happiness. The Summit features 50+ speakers including the world’s leading experts in the science of happiness, activists, philosophers, psychologists, spiritual... Genuine Progress From The Bottom Up Genuine Progress From the Bottom Up By Robert Beezat ( The 2017 EcoFest event in Racine, Wisconsin. Guest writer Robert Beezat is the author of  Knowing and Loving: The Keys to Real Happiness,  a philosophical and spiritual approach to happiness; and Character Based Management: A Key to More Productive & Effective Organizations, which focuses on job satisfaction (job-related... World's First Happiness Museum to Open in London Leave it to the wonderful folks at Positive.News to unearth this little gem: the world's first museum of happiness will be opening in London. Reporter Tom Lawson posted on June 9, 2017 that the museum will be happening thanks to crowdfunding, and that it will be dedicated to "the science, art and history of happiness." There is so... Climb on Board the Happiness Train!   By Kelly Isabelle A happiness-bound freight train is coming!  Hear the hum?  Feel the vibration?  Pack your bags and prepare to jump on board!   Tired of the status quo in our country?  Here is something you can do about it!  Be a part of a growing movement to shift our national marker of success from "product" to "pleasure."  I mean pleasure in... Special News Report on GNHUSA Across The Fence reports on Gross National Happiness USA
On March 20th, 2018 - The International Day of Happiness, Across The Fence aired a special news report about Gross National Happiness USA and the movement to change how we measure progress and success in order to increase personal happiness and collective wellbeing. The news segment highlights...
Our happiness and animals – the inextricable link. Do animals make us happy? Most people would answer “yes”. Why else the proliferation of internet cat videos, or baby animal memes posted all over Facebook and message boards. Most of us feel a connection to animals such that even a picture of a furry or feathered creature sleeping will make us smile – or at... What are you serving on the International Day of Happiness? Celebrate the International Day of Happiness by hosting your own Happiness Dinner. Are you ready to get your happy on during dinner? Spread happiness to those you care about and join the world in celebrating the International Day of Happiness on March 20th. There is no better way then to host a happiness dinner for family and... The Pursuit of Happiness           The Pursuit of Happiness   Taking a cue from a small Buddhist kingdm, Tom Barefoot, A68, urges governments to rethink how they measure progress.   By Michael Blanding, illustration by Gaby D'Allessandro "Quick, what makes you happy? If you said economic growth, you are in the minority. When most of us think about what... Ben and Jerry's Foundation Provides Generous Grant Support to GNHUSA! GNHUSA is pleased to announce that we are the recipients of a "small grant award" of $1,000 from the Ben & Jerry's Foundation.  We had requested funding for our grassroots efforts, including the Happiness Walk.  The Grantmaking Committee wrote that they were impressed with our project "and felt it warranted some support." We are very grateful... The Power of a Positive No to Increase Happiness In 2005, after I had applied for the Masters in Mediation program at Woodbury College, I sat down with the Admissions Director for an informational interview.  "Would the program involve much conflict?" I asked her.  In retrospect, how embarrassing.  A mediator's main job is to be calm in the midst of sometimes stormy conflicts, helping... Across the Board … Positive Changes and Additions to GNHUSA Leadership Team The past few months have seen a surge of activity for the Board of Directors of GNHUSA. We have expanded our board to include members from across the country, who offer a wide variety of skills and interests that we feel will serve to move the GNH mission forward. At our April Board meeting, we formally... George H. Lewis joins GNHUSA's advisory board We are pleased to share that George H. Lewis has joined GNHUSA's advisor board.  George is a world-renowned artist and a global GNH Ambassador. George is regarded as one of the great philosopher polymaths of the modern era as expressed through his art and various mediums including paintings, portraits, photography, sculpture, music, lectures and public speaking,... National Geographic: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World By Angie McPherson Looking for a travel destination with great views and friendly people? Try following a cue from the 2016 World Happiness Report. Every year the United Nations measures the quality of life for citizens around the world through surveys and data analysis. The same 13 countries have dominated the top of the list since the... GNHUSA Contingent Part of 200,000 Strong D.C. Climate March On April 30th, in strong sun and record setting heat (93 humid degrees), a hearty band of GNHUSA activists from Vermont and Pennsylvania joined the People's Climate March in Washington, DC. There we blended with an estimated 200,000 other marchers from across the country to stand up for environmental justice and a healthy sustainable future for... Live Happy Invites All to Join #HappyActs Celebration Photograph by Brian Coats Help us make the world a happier place. Live Happy is thrilled to announce our fourth annual #HappyActs campaign! During the entire month of March, in honor of the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness, we will be sharing #HappyActs—small, simple actions you can perform to spread kindness, fun and joy in your... Generosity = Happiness The world happiness report takes into account a lot of different aspects of each country when deciding which country has the happiest people. For the past three years, Finland has been at the top of world happiness. Supposedly, the Finish people are the happiest people in the world, not only are the Finish people very... GNHUSA Board Member Rob Moore Speaks at Economic Democracy Conference Earlier this month, board member Rob Moore spoke at the Our Economy: Economic Democracy and System Change conference at the City University School of Labor and Urban Studies. Moore spoke on a report GNHUSA published last fall on the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) in Ohio, an alternative indicator for economic progress that includes environmental and... Great Coverage of the Walk from Arizona's Leading Newspaper "Woman on an 8,000 mile trek for 'happiness' reaches Phoenix" The headline of an October 22, 2016 feature article in The Arizona Republic @azcentral about GNHUSA's Paula Francis and the arrival of the Happiness Walk in that western city.  The article, by Megan Janetsky, continued: "What matters most in life? That’s the question Paula Francis seeks to answer as... GNHUSA: Part of New Economy Video Series   When the organizers of the Vermont Poor People's Campaign first got going, they asked Gwen Hallsmith, Founder of Global Community Initiatives, Executive Director of Public Banking Institute, and long time friend of GNHUSA, what a new economy in Vermont might look like.  Since she also is one of the leaders of the coalition Vermonters for... GNH Supports The People’s Climate March: A Look Inside How It Works When You Are Serious About Happiness If you think measuring the right things could change the world, then it behooves you to measure the way you go about promoting that idea. So, if you had been a fly on the wall at the last few Gross National Happiness Board meetings, you would have heard a lot of discussions about the development, fine-tuning,... GNHUSA: The Expanded Road Trip! Thanks to the intrepid members of the Happiness Walk, GNHUSA has been on and off the road since 2012 - over 4,000 miles worth, on foot!  After a bit of a break, Paula Francis and other walkers will resume this amazing journey in mid-June, starting in Los Angeles and beginning the trek up the West... A Literally Novel Approach to Spreading the GNH Message R. Vania's new novel that centers around Gross National Happiness. Editor's note: When author R. Vania recently sent GNHUSA a copy of her new new novel The Dragon's Children, we were curious about why she decided to write a fiction book in which Gross National Happiness plays such a key role. R....

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