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Introducing Happy Exchange

The timebanking platform and mobile app, Seva Exchange, is serious about happiness. So serious, in fact, that they’ve created Happy Exchange.

What is Happy Exchange?

It’s an online hub for those in the well being community to connect and share. The site is the brainchild of Seva X timbebanking platform founder, Anitha Beberg. The site is live just in time for International Day of Happiness which is March 20th.

What can you do on Happy Exchange?

Events: On Happy Exchange you can post an event which can then be easily discovered and attended by others in the well being community. Since Happy Exchange hopes to function as a hub for well being events it’s sure to be a valuable resource for those looking to engage.

Find Your Happiness: You can easily subscribe to Google alert-esque updates on topics such as well being research, community and happy relationships.

Share and Discover Stories: You can write down your tips, articles, moments and stories which can then be discovered and read by others in the well being community.

Answer/Create Polls: That’s right you can even improve the well being community by participating in surveys or creating your own and posting them for others to answer. Here’s a link to one interesting poll found on the site.

Become a Happiness Ambassador: This screenshot below has all of the info you need to know about becoming a Happy Ambassador.

Happy Exchange - Be a Happy Ambassador

How you can get in on the fun

Happy Exchange is super simple to use. Just visit the website and create a login. It’ll be no time before you’re interacting and exchanging with new friends!

See you there?

We hope to see you on the Happy Exchange. If you haven’t already signed up for GNHUSA’s Happiness Dinners on GNHUSA’s website – no worries –  Happy Exchange will allow you to sign up just the same.

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