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National Geographic: Visit the Top 10 Happiest Countries in the World

Happy Denmark

By Angie McPherson

Looking for a travel destination with great views and friendly people? Try following a cue from the 2016 World Happiness Report.

Every year the United Nations measures the quality of life for citizens around the world through surveys and data analysis. The same 13 countries have dominated the top of the list since the reporting began in 2012. What makes these countries the happiest in the world? All possess a winning formula of good governance, strong sense of community, respect for fellow citizens, and general high quality of life.

While the results do not take into account the experiences from visitors of a country, the report serves as a great benchmark for travelers. “The countries in the top 10 rank high in public trust and generosity,” says John Helliwell, a contributing author of the report. “The people are friendly, they are likely to give good customer service, and from my personal experience, they are wonderful places to travel.” Here are the top 10 places to travel happy.

Read more here. 


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