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Providing the latest news about Gross National Happiness USA & our projects, what’s happening in the broader GNH movement, and essays on how we can grow our personal and collective happiness.
Seven Minutes on the Happiness Walk: Video
What is it really like on The Happiness Walk? Every day is different, and the…
Listen to the Happiness Walkers on Santa Fe’s Radio Cafe
When the Happiness Walk was in Santa Fe for the last miles of Leg 9…
The Happiness Walk Hits Mile 3,500!
3,500 Miles and Counting After a summer hiatus, the Happiness Walk - Leg 10 resumed…
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Pursuit of Happiness Taking a cue from a…
Bhutan Happiness Conference: True Well-Being for Animals, People
How much do animals contribute to happiness? By Beth Allgood Can you think of a…
The Power of a Positive No to Increase Happiness
In 2005, after I had applied for the Masters in Mediation program at Woodbury College,…
Well-Being For All, Sustainability
Sustainable "happiness contributes to individual, community and/or global well-being and does not exploit other people,…
How Happiness and Sustainability Connect
This essay is by Laura Musikanski, executive director and co-founder of the Happiness Alliance. Her reflection…
Supporting Animal Welfare with the Charter for Happiness
Beth Allgood, Campaigns Director in the United States for the International Fund for Animal Welfare,…
Organizing our news
Each news article and post fits in at least one of the following 3 topics
Serious About Happiness
- GNHUSA related blog posts and essays from diverse contributors
- Thoughtful explorations of gross national happiness issues and questions, including the interplay between community and individual well being.
- GNHUSA produced news and announcements
- Independent multi-media coverage of our work
- Happiness Walk reports
Inspiring News
- Gross National Happiness (GNH) Movement – relevant research, opinion pieces and activities
- News from our partners