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GNHUSA: Part of New Economy Video Series


When the organizers of the Vermont Poor People’s Campaign first got going, they asked Gwen Hallsmith, Founder of Global Community Initiatives, Executive Director of Public Banking Institute, and long time friend of GNHUSA, what a new economy in Vermont might look like.  Since she also is one of the leaders of the coalition Vermonters for a New Economy, Gwen was an obvious choice. 

Gwen responded by producing “An Economy for All of Us” video series focusing on five key elements of a new economy:  Ownership, Money, Markets, Management, and Metrics.  For the Metrics section, Gwen turned to GNHUSA. On May 7th, Gwen’s production date, two GNHUSA board members and co-founders — Paula Francis and Ginny Sassaman — were together in Olympia, Washington as part of the Happiness Walk .Gwen and her team took advantage of two GNHUSA leaders together in the same room, and set up a long distance interview from their perch in Saratoga, New York. Though there were some technical glitches, Gwen’s rich background in economics and public policy nonetheless made for a very rich discussion — almost a primer on GNH principles.

Watch the full discussion here.

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