How have your views of what matters most in life changed? It’s understandable that -…
What is GNHUSA? 10 Minutes with Santa Fe Unitarians

While Happiness Walkers and GNHUSA co-founders/board members Paula Francis and Ginny Sassaman were in Santa Fe, New Mexico in May 2016, they were invited to speak as part of the Santa Fe Unitarian Universalist’s Sunday service. They were generously given 10 minutes to talk about gross national happiness concepts in general and how the Happiness Walk in particular is working to advance those beliefs. Because Ginny is a Unitarian Universalist herself, and has experience delivering sermons in multiple UU churches, she was the one to take to the pulpit that day. It was an especially memorable experience, because it was Memorial Day, and Paula and Ginny had walked to a national veterans’ cemetery just days before. You can share the experience, too, by clicking here.